WordPress 2.8.1正式版釋出,WordPress 2.9 投票中

今天一登入Wordpress後台就發現『WordPress 2.8.1 新版可用!請立即更新。』WordPress更新似乎有愈來愈快的感覺,想必應該是因為使用者愈來愈多吧,高手也就愈來愈多,回報問題的就更多了,因此才會造就改版一波又一波,不過每一次的改版都修改了不少問題,這次也不例外,自從Wordpress 2.8到現在2.81版正式釋出,一共又更新了近百個問題,丫湯已經直接更新了,這次的更新較不會影響到外掛、佈景等,所以不用太擔心。

WordPress 2.8.1正式版:



這次的更新也包含了不少有關安全性的更新,因此建議更新比較好,丫湯連備份都沒有,心臟很大顆的就按下去了,真的很不良示範,如果你想要更新到Wordpress 2.8.1版的話,建議你還是先備份起來,以免出什麼差錯。


  • Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change.
  • Dashboard memory usage is reduced.  Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page.
  • The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade.
  • A problem where the rich text editor wasn’t being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around.
  • Extra security has been put in place to better protect you from plugins that do not do explicit permission checks.
  • Translation of role names fixed.
  • wp_page_menu() defaults to sorting by the user specified menu order rather than the page title.
  • Upload error messages are now correctly reported.
  • Autosave error experienced by some IE users is fixed.
  • Styling glitch in the plugin editor fixed.
  • SSH2 filesystem requirements updated.
  • Switched back to curl as the default transport.
  • Updated the translation library to avoid a problem with mbstring.func_overload.
  • Stricter inline style sanitization.
  • Stricter menu security.
  • Disabled code highlighting due to browser incompatibilities.
  • RTL layout fixes.

WordPress 2.9投票中:

WordPress 2.9信息:由此去

WordPress 2.9投票:由此去(不過只到7/10 晚上11:59)

今天丫湯去到官網看了一下2.8.1的信息後,順便看了一下最近的信息,才發現早在幾天前就已經釋出了Wordpress 2.9的信息,下一次的2.9版本將針對媒體使用上加強改良,為此還舉辦了投票活動,了解大家的需求,不過當你看到丫湯的文章時,差不多已經要結束投票囉,不過丫湯已經為大家投票囉,以下是投票的六個問題,沒投到看看也好。



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