最近因為暗藏小熊維尼而討論度超高的恐怖遊戲《還願》就在稍早官方於「赤燭遊戲 -Red Candle Games」臉書粉絲團上宣布將主動下架,原因則表示是因為遊戲本體在部分電腦中出現了無法開啟與遊玩的閃退情況,希望大家能夠藉由這段時間從素材誤植風波中冷靜下來,並且暗示《還願》將會再次上架到 Steam 之中!
國產恐怖遊戲《還願》在 2 月 19 日上架 Steam 的時候就在當天立刻登上 Steam 暢銷排行榜,《還願》是一款設定在 1980 年代台灣的敘事型心靈恐怖遊戲,藉由場景、音效和故事情節吸引了不少玩家。但緊接著就被網友發現遊戲中的一個貼滿符咒走廊的場景之中,其中一枚符咒竟用篆體寫著「習近平小熊維尼」字樣,而引發軒然大波。
雖然引發爭議後《還願》遊戲銷量反倒是迅速突破 100 萬套,位居排行榜上第一位,但就在剛剛「赤燭遊戲 - Red Candle Games」宣布了已經將其下架的消息!
「赤燭遊戲 - Red Candle Games」完整聲明
Due to technical issues that cause unexpected crashes and among other reasons, we are pulling off from steam store to have another complete QA check. At the same time we’d like to take this opportunity to ease the heightened pressure in our community resulted from our previous Art Material Incident, our team would also review our game material once again making sure no other unintended materials was inserted in. Hopefully this would help all audience to focus on the game itself again upon its return.